4 Tips on How to Future-Proof Your SEO for 2020

At the closure of 2019, it is a suitable to think about how SEO will be in 2020. After knowing the 2020 SEO trends, it is equally important to know the right steps to take with SEO for the future. This article will highlight key trends and how you should be prepared, and tips on how to future-proof your SEO.

1. Online Assistants and Voice Search

Digital assistants and voice search will become more prominent in 2020 as compared to 2017.

Online assistants have been available for a long time and it is has greatly improved over the years. The technology has enhanced natural language search. Today, the conversation between an online assistant and a normal conversation is almost similar. It is important for businesses to optimize voice search to be able to compete favorably. Companies like Google. Apple and Amazon are constantly improving their voice search and have helped them to protect their competitive edge.

The following are some of the tips that can help you optimize voice search.


  • Optimize Long-Tail Keywords, Natural Language Questions and Full Sentences

Keywords are significant in optimizing voice search, however, people still ask questions in full like “How old is Steve Harvey?” Instead of “Steve Harvey age”. You will need to think about questions that people would ask in your content and try to match them with the possible tone that people would use. This will help in boosting your Google rank.


  • Target Featured Snippet

Feature snippets are also referred to as position zero or answer boxes. They are significant in optimizing voice search. Once a voice question has an answer box, it will display an answer to the asked question and will be read aloud. One of the ways of you can get a featured snippet is by using bullets or a table in your content.

  • Optimize Apps and Actions

People also give the digital assistants commands like “search for a certain keyword on a specific app. If you have an app for your website, you will need to use app indexing and deep linking to allow the users to search for content by giving commands to the virtual assistants.

2. Linkless Link-Building

Link build is a crucial technique for SEO even though it is not a simple tactic. It is challenging today because Google uses advanced algorithm updates such as Fred and Penguin. These algorithms crack down sites that have weak link profiles and issue warning via freebie links. If you want to stay on top of the SEO game in 2020, you will need to focus on long-term link building, appreciate the importance of linkless backlinks and develop quality content.

  • How to Achieve Long-Term Link Building for Quality Backlinks?

It is important to invest in backlinks that your competitors will not get. That will guarantee you a long-term relationship in advancing your SEO skills. Both small and large businesses need to utilize SEO opportunities to stay above the competitors. Good public relation in the online platform will make your site gain lots of referral authority. Always aim to score a backlink and maintain it for greater results. The more the backlinks number, the more your site will become popular. Backlinks are an important part of SEO that will boost your site to top ranked sites in Google search from Google gives extra credit to sites that have a good number of quality backlinks.

  • How to Track and Build Linkless Mentions

Search engines have advanced and are currently associating some keywords with specific brands, and use them as a reliable way of determining site’s authority. You need to invest in a web monitoring tool in addition to the regular backlink monitoring to track how often your brand is mentioned. This will help you to know the PR, brand awareness level, reputation of your company and online reviews. You can use such a report to build linkless mentions and to boost your backlinks.

seo friendly site

3. Mobile-First Indexing

Google is already launching the mobile-first index. In 2020, you cannot afford to miss out on mobile-first tactic in your SEO. A greater population accesses the internet through smartphones and tablets. This means that your site should be mobile friendly to encourage more traffic. Mobile phone traffic has continually surpassed desktop access because most people today own smartphones. It is not going to be different in 2020 because more people will be accessing your site though a phone or a tablet. You can start being prepared by optimizing your site to become compatible in both desktop and mobile devices.

  • Be Fast and Reliable

Regardless of the device, your site should be fast. As technology advances, people have lesser patience to wait for web pages to load. If your site is not loading faster, it will affect the traffic and Google ranking. Always ensure that you have tested the mobile and desktop speed. If it is slow, you can check JavaScript and images that could be slowing down your site.

  • Design

Google has been giving extra credits to sites that have a mobile friendly design. This is because mobile users have become more radical than desktop users. Mobile users search for your content everywhere at any time. That is why you need to reconsider your design and do mobile optimization for your 2020 SEO. Research shows that the majority of the commerce sites utilize the mobile design because of the increased population of people accessing internet through smartphones and tablets.

4. Artificial Intelligence

In 2017, Google increased the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the ranking algorithms. These algorithms are no longer set by humans but by AI machines that learn the human behavior online. Therefore, you need to optimize your content for artificial intelligence. However, you need to focus more on the best SEO practices like quality content, the use of relevant keywords and boosting your online posts on social media to improve your site’s traffic. The more you employ SEO best practices, the more your chances are to see your site highly ranked in the Google search.

Use these tips to get the best of SEO practices in 2029 and stay above your competitors.


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