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SEO has become a crucial part for most of the online marketing channels. Due to the changes in demand for online services, it is impossible to ignore the value of SEO in marketing strategies. Every business, whether small or large, local or international, that sells services and products online will definitely need SEO. That is because whenever a user is searching for a product or service you are offering, your website need to be among the top ranked pages in the search engine results.
This article brings to your attention the mind blowing stats about SEO to understand why you need to invest in SEO.
Organic Traffic Stats
- 5% is the average traffic share it gets from the first results displayed by the Google organic search.
- 5% is the average traffic share produces by the sites that are listed on the Google’s first search result page.
- 1,890 words are the average content that is displayed on the first page of Google’s search result.
- 51% of the website traffic is generated by the organic search. 10% occupies paid search, 5% represents social media, and 34% represents all other online sources.
- 40% of revenue is estimated on organic traffic generation.
- By the end of 2020, 73 billion calls are estimated to come from only mobile search. This means more people are accessing online information and making purchases through mobile phones. This number is likely to escalate higher in the future.
- 5% consists of blue links. This is the percentage occupying search results for organic mobile that Google displays on the first page of search results.
The Spending of Businesses Stats
- In 2016, businesses spent a total of $65 billion in SEO.
- The projected amount to be spent by the United States agencies and brands in 2020 is $72.02 billion. By 2020, this number is predicted to go up to $79.27.
- The monthly estimation of the amount of money spent by most of the companies every month is $5,000.
- 7% of revenue Google earns is estimated to come from search ad in the US.
Stats for Local Search Behavior
- 80% of the search results in Google are those interested in “near me” services or products which originated in 2014 mobile Q4.
- Four out of five customers search about local information.
- 18% of the local mobile searches led to a purchase per day.
- 88% of individuals use smartphones to search for information while 84% use tablets or computers.
- 54% of mobile phone users search for business hours online while 53% will search for direction and information to a store that is locally based.
- Four out of five customers prefer ads that are customized according to their location.
- 70% users value the need of having a call and a direction click on ads.
- 1 times more customers search for food open now or stores open now. The use of “open now” phrase is common among the internet users.
- The number of internet users searching “where to get or find or buy” has increased by 1.3 times.
- 65% of people use smartphones to search for products and services when in need of buying them.
- 76% of people who search for a product or a service may visit the business within 24 hours while 28% of the visits turn into a purchase.
User Search Behavior Stats
- 7% of internet users worldwide use desktops while 51.3% use tablets and mobile devices.
- 15% of the internet users perform at least one search per day, 45% perform one query in a week, while 68% perform more than one query within a month.
- 79% make more than one search before making an online purchase.
- Relevant search influences 39% purchase of the online buyers.
- More people use search queries when looking for information on the internet. 8% of these search queries are in question form.
- 21% of the searches generate more than one click on the search engine results.
- 8% of the queries will usually lead to pogo-sticking. This happens when an internet user clicks on results and then goes back to the search results to select another page.
Link Building Stats
- Long content receives more share as compared to short and brief content.
- 41% of business owners consider link building as the most challenging part of the SEO.
Google Stats
- In 2016, Google was aware of 130 trillion web pages.
- Of the 130 trillion web pages, Google handles approximately 2 trillion searches annually. In simple terms, Google handles 63,000 searches within a second, 3.8 million within a minute, 228 million within an hour, 5.5 billion within 24 hours, and 167 billion searches within a month.
- On average, more than 1 billion internet users use Google search in a month.
- In the US location alone, 40 to 60 billion use Google search every month.
- Google holds 81.12% of the market share in search engines.
- Google receives 15% of new search queries every day.
- 30% of the Google searches are for locations.
- 66% of the Google search results lead to more than one click and 34% of the results receive no clicks.
- 4% of search queries results to a click on a paid Ad.
- 3% of the search results clicks go to image blocks, 1.8% clicks head to YouTube, 0.16% had to personalized information, and 0.55% of the total clicks go to shopping results.
- 9% of searches done on smartphones have led to organic clicks, paid clicks contribute 2%, while 57.1% does not receive any click.
- 25% of the searches include keywords that are not available in the top 100 million keywords.
- 2% of searches done on desktops lead to organic click; 2.8% is paid click and 35% represents no clicks.
SEO and other Channels of Marketing
- SEO generates traffic 20 times more that PPC on both desktop and mobile devices.
- 45% of the businesses claim that content marketing is highly linked to SEO strategy being used.
According to these SEO stats, it is clear that mobile phones are the most used devices in searching information as compared to any other devices. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your website has a friendly mobile design. Consequently, SEO has a greater potential in increasing the website traffic as compared to Pay per click strategy.
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