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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools can either be a blessing or a curse, depend on who you talk to. As is the case with most other electronic technologies, SEO tools to optimize websites and web pages of all kinds have an exponential growth curve. In order to know which tools are available for which job is virtually impossible for anybody other than the SEO specialist. This does not mean that the website owner does not need to know what type of SEO optimization is required. In fact, it is essential that website owners have a basic understanding of what is on offer and why. This knowledge will help them understand which parts of the SEO specialist is focusing on and what is left out.
SEO Tools
The first thing that needs to be understood is the different types of these tools that are available. These tools can be classified into the free tools, the freemium tools (Elementary jobs are free of charge but full functionality is only available once paid for. And thirdly the paid for tools.
The Tools Can be Divided into the Following Categories:
Link Building Tools
The reasons for wanting inbound links (sometimes also called backlinks) to your website is twofold. Firstly, it provides you with the chance of receiving traffic from the inbound linked website.
The second and more important reason for wanting inbound links is to improve your SEO. Inbound links are the primary measure of “equity” in so far as the internet goes. The more high-value inbound links a site has the better it will rank better in search engines. The key is not to flood your site with any inbound links, but rather focus on obtaining a good number of high-grade inbound links from influential sources.
These tools assist with organizing and streamlining the linking and checking for broken links on your web pages.
In order to test the quality of the link building tool, one needs to measure and evaluate the number of links from unique domains, the number of outbound links, the MozTrust, MozRank page score as well as the Moz Page authority evaluation for the particular web page.
Technical SEO tools
The good news is that Google Analytics can help with most of the important technical SEO jobs for your website. By technical SEO the optimization specialist is referring to all the SEO work done other than content creation.
This includes a Very Long List of Issues to Check, Such As:
- The speed at which the page loads.
- Whether the URL is SEO friendly, contains the necessary keywords and if the page is close to the top-level domain.
- Whether the keywords found are in the title, the primary keyword is in the beginning of the title and the title tag has 70 characters or less.
- Ensuring that the description tag include exact keywords and are 160 characters or less (including spaces)
- Checking that all images have alt tags, that the exact keyword is embedded in the alt tag as well as the filename of the image. Also, ensure that filenames of images do not have underscores.
- Confirming that heading tags H1, H2 and H3 are present and contains the keywords without any duplication of the heading tags.
- Analyzing the text copy to ensure that there are a sufficient number of words on this page, that exact keyword is found in the first 100 words, are used 2-4 times and is bolded, italicized, or underlined and that a link to a sitemap.html is found.
- Analysis of the page code will include ensuring that the HTML is W3C validated, that no flash is found and that all inline CSS is removed. It will also look at the ratio between text and HTML is at least 25% and that the code is marked-up
- A social analysis that must include ensuring that a working Tweet button, Facebook share or like button, Google+ button and a link to a blog is present and working.
- As Mobile-friendly landing pages and blog articles normally rank higher in Google’s mobile search results a mobile sitemap, Apple icon and a viewport metatag is available.
- Evaluating the domain to ensure that it is
SEO Keyword Research Tools
For search engine optimization the keyword is the link that brings your website to the potential attention of the prospect. Keywords are the words that the search engine will be looking for when users enter a search. Sites that are properly optimized will appear in a higher rank in the search results.
It is not necessary to brainstorm to find, keyword SEO tool has the ability to discover the actual searches that people made use of to reach a particular page.
These tools are also used to determine the keywords that competitor web pages will rank high on in searches. This is valuable information as strategies can then be put in place to counter that.
These tools also include the tools used to develop the so called long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are a group of three or four keywords contained in a phrase that focusses directly on the specific items that are being sold.
Rank Tracking SEO Tools
Rank tracking SEO tools determine where a website or page rank in the search engine’s search results. This is important information to track as one can only manage what you can measure. For this reason, having a top rank checking SEO tool is essential for success. Apart from providing accurate results, this kind of tool needs to be able to access global as well as local results. In addition to monitoring your own ranking, the tool should also be able to monitor the ranking of the competitors.
Content Optimization Tools
No SEO tool can replace good content. The worst thing for any user is to follow a link to a web page only to discover that the content is lame, old, machine generated or irrelevant to the keywords used.
Another problem that website owners face is the increasing use of different languages that are used in searches. To overcome this problem a number of good content optimization tools offer the ability to generate hreflang tags.
The hreflang tags are used to determine the correct language of the user and then provide content translated or targeted to users in a particular region.
As can be concluded from the description above of the number of SEO tools available and what needs to be checked it should be clear that the DIY SEO person will have a real challenge on hand to do a good job.
To get a website or web page suitably optimized for search engines one need to get somebody that has the skills and knowledge to effectively use the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools in total synergy with one another.
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