AMAZON A10 Algorithm Update: The Furore!

Amazon Has Updated its A10 Algorithm for SEO Marketing for Good

It’s common for people to increase followers on Instagram and get likes on their Facebook posts by paying a vendor! You have been doing that now, haven’t you! Well Amazon won’t have it! Amazon will penalize you permanently for getting fake purchases and reviews on the sellers account! If you have been using an SEO worker indulging in fraudulent activities to increase the product listing, well we got news for you!

But What on Earth is A10!

A10 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon charged with enhanced customer experience by making available the best suitable product for the customer on the buying platform. Amazon is pretty secretive about how the algorithm operates, but it takes information such as the keyword itself, the product reviews, the defect rate of the product, FBA (fulfilled by Amazon) and the back-end search terms to identify the most accurate product for the buyer.

What is amazon A10 updates?

More about the Algorithm

The Amazon A10 Algorithm determines which products will be displayed first to the customers update filters out sellers who have been using “Black Hat” SEO service providers. A10 aims at rendering the Black Hat methods like fake reviews, fake sells, fake votes ineffective. Because of this recent algorithm update, sellers are having a hard time getting their product displayed on the first page of the product search and is leading to them having unsatisfactory conversion rates.

The Amazon A10 Algorithm determines which products will be displayed first to the customers update filters out sellers who have been using “Black Hat” SEO service providers. A10 aims at rendering the Black Hat methods like fake reviews, fake sells, fake votes ineffective. Because of this recent algorithm update, sellers are having a hard time getting their product displayed on the first page of the product search and is leading to them having unsatisfactory conversion rates.

How are Sellers Affected?

Amazon is particularly monitoring the seller accounts to identify fake reviews as they know how reliant the buyers are on customer reviews. Reliance of potential buyers on the reviews is the basic motivator behind the fake positive reviews.  This is the reason the sellers are under the curb. Many sellers have faced an astounding decrease in sales of their product since the update.

amazon A10 updates

What About These SEO Service Providers!

Amazon SEO service providers act as digital marketing agents for you to ensure that your product stands out in the ocean of product alternatives by other vendors. The competitors may snatch away your customers because your product didn’t appear well above the competing products or didn’t appear at all in the search results. SEO service providers indulge in activities like image optimization, content management, keyword and search insertion and optimization of title and product description & other SEO methods as well. Hence online merchants turn to SEO service providers for greater marketability, visibility and increased sales of their product.

Final Word!

Amazon maintains very high standards for the merchants to get their product listing up. But if the sellers maintain an optimized seller account, with the relevant information in place and good quality product pictures it’s not that hard. And it would be really intelligent if you don’t get involved with unscrupulous entities for keyword search and listing optimization. Tips for merchants to rank up your product listing are to use good quality images, accurate and precise product descriptions and quick response to queries posed by the customers.

If you hire an SEO service provider (like: TRICKC Digital Marketing Services) make sure he/she knows about the A 10 update. There are vendors that claim to be using White Hat methods, but you need to make sure that they do in order to save your account from being flagged. There have cases where service providers reasoned not sharing their so called White Hat method because of proprietary reasons. But in reality they were using the same old Black Hat techniques. So the main word is : be aware from Blackhat & Illegal marketing works & use legal 100% whitehat seo services only to get the best result as per amazon A10 updates.

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