How Mobile SEO is Imperative to Future Success

We are literally addicted to our mobile devices. The smartphone is probably the first thing we check when we get up in the morning and the last thing we look at before going to bed. People can’t imagine their lives without the internet and smartphones. When people are so attached to these devices, online businesses can’t undermine the power of an effective smartphone SEO strategy. In order to be a successful and sustainable business, you need to learn more about mobile-friendly SEO and how you can implement this technique to beat your competitors.

What is Mobile SEO?

The term mobile SEO refers to the practice of making a website seamless for both smartphone users and search engines, most importantly, Google. It helps you connect with prospective customers and build a great mobile user experience.

Do you know that more than 58% of your visitors like to use their mobile devices to find solutions online? The number is likely to increase in the coming years, so get ready to serve your mobile traffic better.

Mobile-First Index

Google’s Mobile-first Index will help the search engine present search results based on how well your website is optimized for mobile. Google has already implemented Mobile-first Index strategy to fine-tune its search results and provide the best possible experience to its users. Do you think the mobile version of your business website is good enough to handle this? If not, start working on this immediately and make smartphone SEO an integral part of your overall online marketing efforts. A site perfectly optimized for mobile:

  • Loads fast and offers an excellent user experience
  • Offers equally good experience no matter the nature of a device
  • Shows content comprehensively without messing it up
  • Loads resources no matter the device

If your site doesn’t perform well in any of the above-mentioned areas, your rankings are likely to drop.

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Build a Mobile Website that Ranks in Google 

Mobile-friendly SEO is just like regular SEO – the use of techniques to ensure that your site is findable and crawl-able. Start with analyzing your site and understand how it really works for mobile users. There is a considerable difference between the way a desktop user searches things on Google and how a mobile user finds online solutions. Some keywords just make sense for a mobile version of a site; choose your keywords carefully and make sure they are aligned with what kind of terms your customers use to search through smartphones.


Why Responsive Design is Ideal

The Responsive design responds to users whether they are on the desktop or mobile devices. You don’t need to manage two sites: the desktop version and the mobile version to perform well. Implementing a responsive design is probably the best and most recommended smartphone SEO technique. All of your content will be on a single URL with a minimum number of SEO aspects to take care of. Besides, responsive design will help you create an incredible user experience.

Smartphone SEO Tools 

Tools are essential to gauging the health of your site in terms of mobile-friendly SEO. Develop an in-depth understanding of Google Search Console, a tool that will tell whether or not your site has any usability issues and where your site stands in search results. For instance, Search Analytics is of great help when it comes to understanding search terms that users use to find what they need. Do you think you are targeting the right keywords or you need to change your keywords strategy? Use these SEO tools effectively to improve your smartphone SEO efforts.


Fetch as Google is a tool that will help you understand how Googlebot perceive and render your content. When this tool shows an error, you’ve certainly got some work to do. Make sure Googlebot is able to crawl and index your CSS, JavaScript, and other files. Mobile Usability is another great tool to identify content and pages that lack quality in terms of mobile-friendly SEO. You can start using this tool today and improve your mobile SEO.

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Focus on Performance

 Performance of your site should be your main concern when you focus on mobile SEO. When it comes down to performance, the speed of your site is going to determine everything. The happiness of your users is directly proportional to the speed of your site. If your site takes more than 2 or 3 seconds to load, your visitors will start losing your customers to your competitors. Exploit almost every opportunity to improve the performance of your site and take this practice as a continuous process.


As a part of your smartphone SEO endeavors, eliminate every single element that can ruin the user experience. For example, don’t let popups annoy your visitors. Google wants to show relevant and great content to its users; if your content is hidden or disrupted by an ugly popup, your bounce rate is soon going to increase.


Implement AMP 

Mobile-friendly SEO opens up a great number of opportunities that you can leverage to produce great results. Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) is an innovative technology that focuses on one thing: loading pages as fast as possible. Make AMP a part of your smartphone SEO strategy – it can improve your mobile web presence in many innovative ways.

Work on Local SEO

People use smartphones everywhere, but these devices become even more useful when people are out and actively looking for information. According to Google, 76% consumers who searched for something nearby visited a related business the same day. This is why it is important to take local SEO seriously and make it an important part of your mobile SEO tactics. You can increase your revenue by reaching those ‘near me’ searches.


Technology is something that will keep evolving and bringing in new opportunities for marketers and businesses. Mobile search will be the ultimate future of SEO. However, the concept remains the same: make sure that your mobile site is crawlable, readable, and user-centric. Explore all the aspects of a sound mobile-friendly SEO strategy and implement them wherever possible to stay ahead of the curve.

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