15 Essential Steps to Write SEO Friendly Content

For some, writing SEO friendly content will increase traffic and captivate their audience in a simple, yet effective way. Your content must be concise, organized and descriptive.  This can also be obtained by writing a simple Q&A.

How to write perfect, SEO friendly  Content

  1. Structured Content : Write a clear structure of your post and make sure to include an introduction, a body section (the written message), and a conclusion. You can also build a small scheme with your structure.
  2. Paragraphs : Write paragraphs that make sense, focus on your structure, and keep your main ideas as coherent as possible, including relevant and straightforward details.
  3. Headings & Subheadings : Include headings & subheadings in your content to boost SEO optimization. Using a nice heading structure will help Google to grasp the main topics of a comprehensive post. On the other hand, subheadings boost readability and make your article easier to digest.

The words you use in the subheadings will be analyzed by search engines, so make sure you add some relevant keywords as well.

content analysis

  1. Main KW in The Title : Add the main keywords in the title because they show up first and get analyzed by search engine’ spiders.
  2. Keyword in Subheading : Add your keyword in the subheadings for better SEO optimization.
  3. Use of Main KW : Use your main keywords every 125-150 words. This will help you use the search engine optimization effectively.
  4. Length of Contents : Make sure your posts have at least 300 words. If you have too much information and it’s impossible to keep it short, then try to stop at 700 words and add between 3 and 6 targeted terms every 300 words.
  5. Bold the Keywords : Add your keywords in your first paragraph and bold them. You will emphasize your fundamental ideas, getting the most out of the Google algorithm. This will be the only time you’ll break the 6th rule.
  6. Use of Alt Tag : Use the “Alt text option” and images. Google scans your pictures as well, so you’ll need to have relevant information in the “alt text”. Technically, it’s not a tag, but it describes the function of your image, and it’s recommended to include a keyword in the tag.
  7. Italic & Bold KWs : You can also highlight your search terms with italics to make it readable for the search engines. Bold and anchor texts help a lot and increase readability and that’s due to the fact that people tend to scan the content instead of reading it word by word.
  8. Keyword at First & Last : Include your keyword in the last paragraph of your post, just like you did with the first one. Both locations are important as Google looks for search terms in those 2 places to establish a ranking for your page.
  9. Hyperlinking : It is recommended to hyperlink your keyword with a clickable link that will direct users to a related service, content or product. For example, if you are writing about self-cleaning windows, you may as well include a link to other related products.
  10. Easy Sharable : Make your posts easily shareable, using backlinks, plugins, and adding social sharing buttons.
  11. Using of Signal Words : Signal words will help your audience understand the structure of your content and give them directions. You can add words like “first of all”, “secondly”, and “finally”, or clear signaling words like “surely”, “normally”, “now” or “since”. They connect phrases that strengthen your writing transitions, giving value to your content.
  12. Regular Posting : Post content regularly. Consistency is key in building a solid blog that engages your readers. Besides that, if your blog is not active, Google will penalize it, making it lose its ranking.

content is king

Best Tools and Resources for writing great SEO friendly posts

  1. Readability Checking : Hemingway Editor lets you analyze your content readability, highlighting the most difficult sentences.
  2. Readability Checking : Read-Able allows you to check your overall readability scores in percentages.
  3. SEO Check : SEO Optimization your webpage content, providing you with multiple analysis elements such as density score, title tags, meta elements, link accounting tool, and much more.
  4. KW Density checking : KW-Density Checker identifies your mistakes even if you enter a URL or paste an article. KW density is calculated based on the number of times a word is used and it’s usually between 1 and 2 for SEO purposes.
  5. Spelling & Grammar Analyzer Tool: Use Grammarly for instant checking and mistake correction. You can use Ginger software as well for checking spelling & grammar mistakes.
  6. Plagiarism Checker : For Plagiarism checking use Small SEO Tools (for free) or paid copycape software.

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